Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The City Slicker

It's fun, sassy, and legit. It's the kind of outfit that will cause attention, and have people asking "Who's that girl?" In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, we give you the perfect outfit to party in. This simple striped dress got jazzed up with a bit of 90's-esque accessories: a fresh-to-death hat, Wayfarer Square shades, and of course the gold chain & pumps. But the essential piece to this particular look is something not everyone call pull off. It comes free; with no price tag. And that little fragment is something we love to call swag. So if you got it, flaunt it ;)

(Click to Enlarge)
All Photos Courtesy of: Ron Alan Photography

Hat: 11.00 (Buffalo Exchange)
Necklace: 1.00(Thrift)
Dress: 9.00 (Buffalo Exhange)
Gold Pumps: 4.99 (Savers)
Sun Glasses: 3.00 (Swapmeet)
Swag: Priceless


Aline said...

love this...you look amazing! wonderful photos

Danica said...

i LOVE this outfit!! veryyy trendy :)

Rita said...

Nice! The hat makes of think of Hillary Banks from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, especially on the second-to-lat photo... yeah, I watch that show too much :P

InnyVinny said...

Love this!

Kaila said...

so sweet girl! love your tats :)