The game is on, and there is no sitting on the sidelines in this match. The inner prep in us is longing for a place-up. So we're letting it out with some fun vintage love and bright colored backhands. We came to serve up some spirit for your game ;)
Most of the time the key to thrifting or vintage shopping is accessorizing. You won't always find that rare, elaborate piece that you're looking for, in which case you must liven it up with other elements to fully grasp the extravagance of your look. Whether it be belts, jewelry, tutus, or even other articles of clothing, sometimes an outfit is just not complete without that little extra ummph. It's the cherry on top of your fashion sundae. And if you're pinching pennies like us, your local thrift is the best place to look to stock up on these goodies. ;)
There is something about a fur coat and red lipstick that has fascinated us throughout the years. This very Old Hollywood aura of glamour and finesse is an attraction lasting throughout the decades. The razzle dazzle of the red lipstick makes this ensemble pop, sending a feeling of romance and lush into the streams of this entire piece. In the spirit of Marylin Monroe, Mae West and Grace Kelly, we hope to carry on the enchantment of the ritzy elite; but of an affordable and resourceful manner. Like always.
Everyone has their favorite piece in their jewelry box which generates an otherwise plain
'ol outfit into something worthwhile. Most often they are flamboyant, intricate and/or colorful. One thing is for sure, your master piece will always be the center of attention on your outfit if used. It will catch the eye and produce a look....and that is always our intention, right? ;)
(Click to Enlarge)
All Photos Courtesy of Ron Alan Photography
Leotard: 3.99 (Savers)
American Apparel Stonewash Shorts: 12.00 (Buffalo Exchange)
She's the independent woman; making her own dough and doing her own thing. So why not look just as extravagant as you are? It’s not unprofessional to look chic and stylish. Transform a little black dress into a more polished look by combining it with a button down blouse, tights, and a blazer. By accessorizing the dress with the blazer and blouse you have now converted it into a simple pencil skirt. This look is easy, affordable, and perfect for a day on the job, a crucial interview, or a meeting with a client. There is no excuse not to look just as fresh at work as you do off. So ladies, in the words of RiRi:
"Keep on gettin' that paper, keep on climbin',
look in the mirror and keep on shinin'."
Photos Courtesy of Daniel Yoon Photography
Blazer: 1.91 (Thrift)
Vintage Yves Saint Laurent Button Down Blouse: 4.99 (Thrift)
Recycled Runway is calling all vintage-fashion lovers! We're spicing up RR with a new "IT" Boy or Girl of the Month. Is that you? If it is, email us a picture of your favorite look to Make sure to include prices for all your pieces! If you are chosen, we will conduct an interview and showcase your stylish aura on the blog! Remember: outfits do not need to be completely thrifted, they can be mixed and matched with anything. The more unique the better. We can't wait to see the Recycled Recipes y'all cook up!
It's fun, sassy, and legit. It's the kind of outfit that will cause attention, and have people asking "Who's that girl?" In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, we give you the perfect outfit to party in. This simple striped dress got jazzed up with a bit of 90's-esque accessories: a fresh-to-death hat, Wayfarer Square shades, and of course the gold chain & pumps. But the essential piece to this particular look is something not everyone call pull off. It comes free; with no price tag. And that little fragment is something we love to call swag. So if you got it, flaunt it ;)
They are thrift store-loving, indie rockers: Castledoor...can it get any better? Nate- lead vocals, Gabriel- guitars/keys/vocals, Joel- drums, Brando- bass, Liska- keys/vocals, and Coury Jane- vocals/synth, make up the stylish, multi-instrumental family. These Cali natives catch our souls - and our eyes - with their fun, poppy beats and unique wardrobe. Their debut EP, Til We Sink is not your convential, mediocre indie record. It is extraordinary and full of spirit, which is successfully carried onto their style. Not only are we impressed by their catchy beats that makes want to dance dance dance, but we fell in in love with the creative vintage look that the band possesses! So naturally, we had some style q's for our admirable indie rockers. And Castledoor let Recycled Runway in on an array of their favorite fashion secrets ;)
RR: How does your music inspire your style?
Castledoor: Everything starts from an honest, natural place so each way we express ourselves winds together effortlessly.
RR: Where are you favorite places to shop?
Castledoor: Most of us like to thrift's the thrill of the hunt!
For my day Job I (Coury) run an eBay store (http://stores. shop. ebay. com/FancyTreehouse) with Vintage clothes mixed in with cute clothes of today so I shop pretty much all the time!
RR: Favorite fashion inspiration/icon?
Castledoor: I'm not sure if any of us consciously look to anyone in particular for inspiration. I think it's more of a big mashup with people from every decade and everyone on the streets today! If I (Coury) had to say for myself I would say Sandra Dee circa 1962.
RR: What are your essential wardrobe "must-haves" while on tour?
Castledoor: For the girls: Dresses (a given) and Onesies (so we can crawl over the seats and still be ladies).
For the boys: Layers of cardigans, button ups, tshirts (you never know what the weather will be like and layers just look more fun).
RR: Would you consider your styles very similar or different?
Castledoor: Well, we think of our styles as very different but I'm sure if anyone on the outside looked in they wouldn't be able to tell us apart. We usually randomly show up wearing different versions of the same outfit.
RR: How would you label your style?
Castledoor: Colorful
RR: Favorite thrift-store find?
Castledoor: I (Coury) got a white ruffled dress for $1 that I haven't managed to sell yet (a rarity). I guess I must really like it. (:
Lisa just got a cool trench coat for $1.
Joel once got a striped tank top that I like (he isn't 100% sold on the whole digging for good deals things)
Gabe's "crazy tshirts" (I do all his shopping pretty much as he isn't sold either)
Nate's mustard cardigan is pretty sweet.
Brando has his famous brown pants (that he's worn so much they need to be repaired).
RR: What are your fashion words of wisdom?
Castledoor: You can wear absolutely anything as long as you believe it looks good.
RR: There are tons of indie music bands, how do you think your style sets you apart?
Castledoor: I don't think it sets us apart really but we just have to do what makes us feel comfortable and hope that it represents our personalities and our music well.
RR: What's your advice to other aspiring artists trying to make it in the industry?
Castledoor: We're trying to make it ourselves! Just do what makes you happy and never forget it's supposed to be FUN.
Upcoming Tour Dates:
Mar 12 2009 8:30p
the echo w/ plants and animals & avi buffalo los angeles, california
Whether your going to school or meeting up with a friend for coffee, the magic word for your everyday wear is comfortable. Rockin' the simple LBD with a flannel and combat boots gives you a grungy, bad ass look, while still looking girly and chic. We also sought out and added affordable leggings, which collaborated an informal, I-just-dgaf kind of get up :)